A downloadable game for Windows

WASD to walk flat surfaces (less than 45 degress).

HOLD SPACE to climb steep surfaces (more than 45 degrees). Climbing stamina is limited, but it is spent only when you are moving. To instantly reset stamina, find a flat surface and release the spacebar.

LEFT MOUSE CLICK while climbing will place aid platform under your feet. Placing an aid takes 1/4 of your climbing stamina.

If you fall for more then 3 meters on Y axis, you will die. If you are falling, press the spacebar to rescue yourself. Rescuing takes 1/3 of your stamina. Be careful: when you are falling you gain innertia and only VERY flat surfaces will stop your fall (less than 22.5 degrees). So rescue youself if you are not sure about landing area. Also, rescuing will work only if your fall is now less than 3 meters on Y axis, after that your speed is already deadly.

ESC to pause the game.

You can try three record disciplines: minimum aids, minimum travel or minimal time. My current records are: 4 aids, 289 travel, 04:45 time. Share your results in comments!


All Shall Fall.zip 37 MB

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